Well, we really like craigslist. Why you might ask? We found such great deals such as a great trailer for Cassandra, also Corneliu got a great deal on a bike rack. So now, we are ready for exploring the beauty of Colorado, as we started to today.
There are some pretty amazing trails at Fox Run Park.
We really enjoy biking and Cassandra loves to come along. And this trailor is really cute because it has 2 seats, plenty of room for toys, and daddy has plenty of enery to go forever. Mommy enjoys coming with.
Is that a gypsy car in the first picture??? :-)
What a lovely family! Very photogenic. Cassandra looks just like you!
Mom, that is the gypsy car from Amazing Race!
Ha, ha...I love your comment that Cornel has "plenty of energy to go forever"...if that's not the truth I don't know what is!! :-)
Noelle is not that bad with 'Corneliu' I can stop if people get tired and than we can heep going because is soooooooooo much fun to have 'plenty of energy to go forever'
I love it!!! I love biking myself, and yes, Cornel, of course I remember you and your fammily! Thanks for the email!
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