Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well, we have all been waiting for this moment.....and all wanted to see it happen when she was still 1 year old....and so yesterday....she walked by herself....2 steps.....and will not do it again. We had some friends over and while Corneliu, Marianna, and myself were finishing eating, Stephanie called from the other room "she did it!" It is hard because I did not see the first ones and neither did Corneliu. 17-1/2 months and she finally walks =-). She beat her cousin who was fastly catching up. Sorry that I do not have a picture. Stephanie was walking with her and let her hand go and before Cassandra noticed, she had made 2 steps. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeah for Cassandra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bonnie said...

Yea, Cassandra!!

Noelle said...

I can't quite tell...are you guys excited at all about it?? :-)

Way to go, Cassandra!! Watch out though...before you know it, your Daddy is going to have you running 20 miles and saying it's not very far and then telling you you're going to go on a "little" hike...only to have you hiking up the Incline!!

Bonnie said...

You make a good point, Noelle.....hmmm, maybe Cassandra is even smarter than we think....maybe, just maybe, she's been observing and has decided she's not sure she's ready for her daddy's workouts...and, the only way to avoid them is to keep crawling! :-)