Friday, April 16, 2010

Time for spring already!!!!!!!!!

Cassandra was a very good helper today. She helped daddy plant the flowers while mommy was inside making lunch.

Her new sand toys were the best for playing in the dirt. That was her new word for today, "dirt." She also learned "cold."

Flowers, flowers everywhere. It feels like spring. We decided to have some fun for today. We might get more frosty nights, but that is okay.
After 3 times of hanging these pots, we found a way that looked good.
Cornel's favorite picture. He is a professional, isn't he?

Outside our house. I like flowers and how they liven up places.

Doesn't go with the theme, but a sleeping baby is always cute, just like our flowers. Even when Cassandra is sleeping, she has her hands up. That is the way she walks still, with her arms out to keep her balance.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby-sitting time.

The blue team. This is Brenden. He is a son to my longtime friend Heather. He is so cute and Cassandra and Brenden play so well together. I was helping Heather unpack so Cornel took Cassandra and Brenden to the park. They had a blast together.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our big girl

This morning Cassandra wear this cute dress at church and we love to see how much she grow up .She so beautiful. and she is so big .Thank you LORD for our girl.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Biking weather.

We got a cool bike seat for Cassandra, no more trailer for daddy to pull. She really loves it because she can see things better, like her favorite thing: dogs.
She has her own biking gear, her "hat."
I know, I know, I know that every week I am posting a new bike. I feel like I have my own bike shop and can switch bikes every week, but I think this is my last bike. I decided to go to a bike shop instead of Walmart or Target to buy a bike. I spent a little more money, but it is a great bike, it is very comfortable to ride. We really enjoyed riding today.
Of course on the way, Cassandra has to have her park fix. We found a park today that is just for toddlers, only toddler swings, and everything was kid friendly.

It is all for toddlers, um......

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Follow Instructions!

If you want to visit Grandma and Grandpa, you need to look at these pictues first, then it is so easy to find their home.

Hey guys, this is grandma and grandpa's new home.

First read, then knock, to be sure it is the right door.

Their house is on the third floor surrounding the flags (what a beautiful house).

Cassandra hanging out with Grandpa.

Yia-Yia's Easter gift for Cassandra.
Entertainment rooms (really beautiful).
The Library with a veiw of Pikes Peak, trust us.
Hanging out with their great-granddaughter (this is the 3rd floor, where they live).
What wonderful grandparents with wonderful hearts.

Four wonderful ladies, dressed up for Easter.

Papa's little helper. Papa is trying to hang a shelf for grandma and grandpa, and has a little distraction from Cassandra, trying to play with his tools.
The green family (today we all match).
Grandpa staying fit. I asked Grandpa if he is working out a lot at his new home, and he said "I tried it once, and today is the secound time," that means he is doing it (I guess).

Great place to live.


Dining area. They have yummy food, and a very homey atmosphere. We really like visiting grandma and grandpa.

I got money. I am going shopping.
Our VIP dining room. It is off of the main dining area, and Mom and Dad were able to reserve it.