Thursday, December 30, 2010

We got snow,yeah.....

Yesterday Corneliu did biking. It was such sunny day. But today, it is a different story. At noon it started snowing and we just love it. Finally, we got some snow in Colorado Springs.

We got so much, that we needed to shovel it. Cassandra was so excited to go help her daddy. She said, "Cassandra hard worker." Yeah snow, I think that is what she was saying in that picture.

Two hard workers.

You cannot just shovel and not have fun in the snow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What a biking aventure.

We left at 8:30 am and we drove all the way to Camp Road and we were going to bike from Camp Road about 10 miles up to a trail call J down hill trail but we wanted to bike up and than come down but I never carried my bike so much in my life .This trail was very hard to bike up,not a joke.

The adventure began here.

This are my great friends,Mark and Frank.They both work at DCC SCHOOL.Mark is the math teacher and Frank is the tech guy.Very nice people and great bikers.They were traing to find the trail that we were supossed to be on it .What fun.

The carrying started here...........

And more carrying funnnnnnnnn..........

We took a little break for picture and we need to rest our hearts because they were beating to fast.Oh yeah.

What a cool time we had.Thank you guys for this carrying aventure.GOD BLESS .

I guess we didn't do any biking,we hiked with our bikes. Basically we took our bikes for a hike.What interesting bike riding.

I personaly really liked the views.

I guess Mark liked them to. It it a beautiful place. On the way down we biked sorry,we hiked by seven bridges and the water fall was just awesome.What a nice adventure we all had.

Well, because we hiked more than we biked, and the reason of the morning was to go biking, I biked home from Seven Bridges so that I would feel that I biked.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Prieteni,Craciun plin de bucurie.

Simbata de la ora 2 am inviat la noi citeva nintre cuplurile de Romini si Americani din grupu nostru si am avut o mare bucurie mai ales ca nu a lipsit mincare traditionala romineasca,adica,sarmale,salata de biof,snitale,si multe altele.

O mare bucurie a avut si Cassandra fiind inconjurat de prieteni iei cu care sa jucat toata ziua.Pe la sapte a fost atit de obosita incita a adormit chear cu musafiri in casa si sa trezit a doua zi la noua si jumate.

A doua zi de craciun...

Dis de dimineata ne-am dus la parinti lui Natalie sa continuam sarbatoarea craciunlui si normal ca sa desfacem pachetele.

In aceasta poza Cassandra ii da o mina de ajutor lui bunicu,la virsta de 90 de ani ii cam trebuie un pic de ajutor sa desfaca un cadou.

In familia lui natalie se obisnuieste ca de Craciun sa aprinda o lominare intr-o mica prajitura si sa II cintam la multi ani lui ISUS.Este intradevar un mare privilegiu ca sa II multumim LUI ISUS pentru-ca sa nascut pentru noi .Cassandra a fost foarte entuziasmata pentru-ca a avut oportunitatea sa sufle in lominare.

Parca mi-ar place sa fiu copil din nou pentru-ca vazind cite pachete a primit Cassandra ma cam face gelos,hahahaha/

Friday, December 24, 2010

The 5 star Christmas dinner

Christmas dinner at mom and dad's house is like having a private place at Broadmoore Hotel. Everything is just so perfect. There are gorgeous table decorations, and the best food recipes in the west. We definitely have to say thank you from our hearts to mom and dad for all of their sacrifice and hard work, putting all of these things together.

Christmas Eve at the Harvey's House

It is a blessing to have family and to be able to celebrate Christmas with them. Tonight, we all went to mom and dad's house. Aunt Peg, Scott, and Bart, and Grandpa all came too. What a great time we had together, celebrating Jesus' birth. We got to talk to Johnny too online.

We love Cassandra's hair. It has grown so long. It looks like gold hair in this picture, it is so gorgeous. Cassandra was playing a little bit on the piano for us. It was very cute. She is so beautiful.

Here we are hanging out, my cousin Scott and I were just talking together.

Again, isn't her hair beautiful?

Isn't this dress cute on Cassandra, daddy found it for her.

Presents from Aunt Peg. We even opened some presents tonight at Yia-Yia's house, but we have more tomorrow morning to open.
Excitement, excitement, we all got presents.
We glorify Jesus for being the best gift for all of us.

Aunt Peg and Grandpa deep in conversation.

Cassandra loved her oyster crackers, but she also shared them with everybody else there. She walked to everybody and gave them some. She is great at sharing when she wants to. She taught us a lesson tonight about sharing.

Bart, my cousin, was sitting on the floor, waiting for Cassandra to walk by and give him more crackers. Cassandra really likes Bart, she has fun with him.
And then, she decided to sit down and eat some crackers herself. I guess she was tired of walking, because she usually does not sit down that much all day.