Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Party at the Zoo!

It was out pleasure as a mom and dad to spend this precious time with our daughter at the zoo tonight, for Halloween. This was Cassandra's first time trick or treating. We had so much fun seeing her be so excited about some of the costumes and about the big gorilla, and of course, Elmo.

We love this little princess.

So we got to the zoo and Cassandra was a little happy, but in the same time freeked out by all of the costumes. Some of them were scary and some of them were cute. Yia-Yia was giving Cassandra an explination of what we would do at the zoo, as you can see. (SOOO CUTE)

They were watching kids going by, and Cassandra was asking, "what is that, what is that?" That is her favorite question.

Guess what, Papa came with us to the zoo. As you can see on his face, he is not to happy being at the zoo. That is not his favorite place to be (but he had a great time, this is what he told us afterwards). Cassandra was probably thinking, lets go papa, it is time to get candy in this bucket.

There you go, we are on the way to have some fun.

I got my bucket, I am holding Yia-Yia's hand, I feel great, I am very confident that this will be a good time.

I am sure she was looking at a scary costume. For a few times she wanted us to hold her because she was pretty scared of the costumes. Some people did not think about little kids, when they picked out their weird adn strange costumes. They looked ready for a haunted house instead of being around kids.

My princess candy bucket.
Okay, I saw some good places to get some candy.

Hmm... I am on the way.

Do I need to stay in a line? This is my first time trick or treating on Halloween. I had a great time. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I saw Elmo too.

These videos are of a program they did for the kids. They were discussing superheros and their powers, and the animals superhero powers.

We are at Palmer Park having fun.

What a great day and what a fun to by at a park .

There are so many thinks to do at Palmer Park.This is a cool park and the weather was nice today so is no fun to stay in a house.

Palmer Park hike..

First time carving pumkins

Cassandra wanted to a carve pumkin this year. We went over to Yai-Yai and Papas house last night and made Cassandra's first Jackolatern. She had a lot of fun. We put Yai-Yai's shirt on, and got ready. She helped Papa pick out the face, he drew a couple of them. Cassandra didn't want to pull out the seeds, put enjoyed watching us do that.
Cassandra enjoyed the finished product. She even wanted to take it home.

Posing with Papa.
Drawing the face on the pumkin.
Cassandra was interested in everything.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Playing in MALL.

O venit iarna in Colorado,deci a trebuit sa ne cautam o alta ocupatie asa ca ne-am dus la mall de dimineata pentru a consuma ceva energie.Normal ca a fuctionat pentru Cassandra,dupa ce a mincat la prinz a si adormit bustean.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Picnic, yum!

Our favorite park is Fox Run Park. After our 6 mile hike on Falcon Trail, we were starving. We went to Safeway to buy some hamburgers and hotdogs and drove to the park to have some good stuff. We collected some wood and pine needles and we made a fire, because it was pretty cold.

And then, after we warmed up our hands, and smelled like campfire, we threw the hamburgers and hotdogs on the fire. Trust me, it was great food, everything is better when you are hungry.

If you love God's creation, you need to prove it!

We know, we know, living in Colorado, having beautiful weather all year round, it is just impossible not to get outside. We think so. Today, Corneliu and I were talking about not spending money and going away from Colorado to be on vacation; we are so thankful to have these beautiful mountains here, and great friends who have the same passion like we do for hiking and enjoying outside. These are our vacations and we have them pretty often. It doesn't cost much at all, just gas to get to these places.

I think Cassandra will be a geologist. Once we let her out of the backpack, she runs straight to rocks, weeds, sticks, and has to pick them up and show them to us. She also loves walking. I think she walked about a mile today. We hope that she will love nature when she grows up.

Frank and his girlfriend Judy enjoyed today with us. Cornel knows Frank from Discovery Caynon, he is the IT guy. These are great people to hang out with.

Of course, our great friend Karri spent all day long with us. She always wants to carry Cassandra because she wants to build more muscle. And trust me, you are carrying about 35 pounds on your back, it is a great way to stay in shape. Karri is such a great and lovely person. We enjoy the time that we spend with her.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Barn Dance

We were invited to a barn dance tonight. We left Cassandra with our friend Stephanie and went out to the country. We had a lot of fun. Just imagine Cornel doing a good old fashioned square dance, it was pretty funny. A lot of people thought it was funny looking at our group. We had fun though. We did better at the line dancing. There were some girls from Germany who were as confused as Cornel was.

This is Rebecca and Ryan, our friends who invited us. It was at Ryan's parent's house and barn. They are fun to hang around with.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

La o plimbare in Natura.

Eu Corneliu crescind intr-un oras mic unde am fost inconjurat de Natura normal ca am in singe acest dar de a explora CREATIA LUI ISUS.De cind ne-am casatorit cred ca am inspirat-o si pe Natalie cu pasiunea mea pentru Natura.Normal ca dupa un timp Cassandra a venit in vietile noastre si pot sa spun ca este o faptura creata dupa inimile noastre pentru-ca iubeste tot ceea ce iubim si noi.Cassandra ar sta afara tot timpu daca am avea timp sa stam cu ea pentru-ca inca nu avem casa cu gradina sa o lasam sa alerge fara supraveghere.

De fiecare data cind mergem unde la plimbare Cassandra trebuie sa adune citeva aschi si frunze si sa se joace cu ele.Este pasionata de betigase,frunze,pietre.Tot timpu ne aduce cite ceva ca sa caram si noi in miinile noastre,doar nu vrea ca ea sa le care pe toate ,sunt prea grele.
Faptura Domnului Isus,acesta este fica noastra pe care o iubim asa de mult.
De un timp in coace Cassandra a inceput sa fie pasionata de a se catara pe tot ceea ce apuca precum ati vazut in blogu de dinainte,ii place sa se catare pe stinci,astazi a incercat sa se catare pe un gardulet.Probabil Cassandra va fi prima persoana din familia noastra care va fi 'MARE ALPINISTA.Cine stie ce aduce viitoru.

Fetitele mele,Pupale Ticu.Vorba lui Ticu .
Ce frumose peisaje............??
Unu dintre anotimpurile noastre preferate este Toamna pentru-ca atit de minunat este se mergi in natura si sa admiri aceste peisaje deosebite.
Pacea sufleteasca,asta o gasim noi de multe ori in natura pentru-ca este creatia LUI.ISUS este pacea.

Deci am ajuns la lac si pot sa spun ca nu am vazut atit de multi pesti intr-un lac ca in acest lac,suna distractiv dar lacu asta este bucuria lui Cassandra pentru-ca de fiecare data cind vizitam locul acesta trebuie sa cumparam ceva piine pentru-ca Cassandra sa hraneasca pesti.

Sotia mea Dragalasa.

In aceste doua video va vom arata ce usor este sa fi peste pentru-ca doar astepti ca cineva sa iti aduca mincare si sa iti arunce mincarea aproape in gurita,ca si peste tu doar trebuie sa deschizi gurita mare si sa fi atent cind Cassandra iti arunca mincarea .Super bucurie am avut astazi.