Monday, November 16, 2009

Playing in the snow!

Well, mom got a snow outfit for Cassandra couple months ago, and we used it today. There are a couple inches of snow on the ground, so Cassandra played in the snow today. She wasn't quite sure when we were putting the snow pants on and boots, but she didn't cry. There was actually smiles when she got up.

The boots are a new experience, but she is willing to try them.

Well the last time we blogged, it wasn't all snowy out right. Well, our camera broke and we didn't have access to one. Well, dad figured out that it could be fixed, something that we were informed of wrong, so he sent our camera back in, and they fixed it. We are so happy to have it back again, so that we will be able to take pictures in Romania. Here are just a few before we leave.

This is our Colorado girl. She likes the snow.

Are you guys ready to go skiing yet?
Okay, she didn't like the coldness, but that will come. Maybe she just fell down here though, she does that a lot still.

About ready to jump on Daddy.
I am ready when you are!

I hope that you guys enjoyed snowy Colorado!


Bonnie said...

Awww...those are so cute!!

Annelies said...

When are you guys flying over my little country? ;). Wish you lots of fun in Romania and i'll be awaiting the pictures here on the blog!

Noelle said...

Cute snow outfit! She better get used to the cold and snow now......she's going to get a lot of it in Romania!! :-)

Harvey Globetrotters said...

I agree with Noelle...she hasn't felt cold yet...wait till Romania!! So fun to see her in her snow outfit.