Sunday, January 31, 2010
Our afternoon
We had our friend Cactus over for lunch today. He came to our house on his motorcycle, and Cornel thought that was pretty cool.
Cassandra stayed in her room. After her "nap" that she did not take, Cactus surprised her and she was scared. She was so cute in her room though. Cornel and I went back and forth between the living room and her room.
I think it was his beard that scared her. Nothing else about his is scary, but she wouldn't come into the same room as him. I felt bad, but that was the way it was. He came over and we grilled hamburgers and talked and had fun.
Boys will be boys.
I think that this video says it all. Cactus was very helpful in not forcing anything. At the end of his stay, Cassandra would go into the same room, but not look at him, then run out. We were laughing a little, but for her it was no laughing matter.
Tea TIme
Well, we had tea time with Cassandra this morning. She was trying for a couple times before this to carry the tray over to the table, ended up on the ground like here, but we keep trying. She has so much fun with this tea set. The tea pot sings and talks, and makes sounds. We lost one of the cakes, but it works that we have 2 cups and 2 cakes.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Cassandra dancing
Well, we were looking at Noelle's blog with Cassandra and she started dancing to the elmo music that Addysen was dancing to. She was trying to copy Addysen dancing. It was so cute. Cassandra is very active now and does not sit still for a second.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Familia Ionut
Friday, January 22, 2010
La Plimbare, Going for a walk
Deci astazi am decis sa mergem la o plimbare pe o carare pe care poate sa mearga si Cassandra pentru-ca are un timp destul de greu sa mearga pe carari care au denivelari.A fost asa de placut sa vedem cum alearga si cit de fericita a fost cind a vazut o turma de caprioare .
Today we went for a walk in Garden of the Gods with Cassandra. We like it out there because she can walk on the side walk pretty easily and she enjoyed seeing a pack of deer.
In Colorado Springs sunt o multime de caprioare cam peste tot unde mergi da-i de ele ,este o bucurie pentru copii dar citeodata si pentru adulti mai ales atunci cind au ieduti si vezi cite o turma de 20 sau mai mult de atit pascind in fata case-i tale .
In Colorado Springs there are so many deer. In almost every single place where you go, you see deer. It is kind of fun for kids to see them.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Saying hi
Well, she likes music, why not let her listen to an ipod. =-) She dances to music all the time. Now she has figured out how to turn the radio on and off in mommy and daddy's room. Sometimes we can't even get through a song without it going on and off 15 times.
These bowling pins that we got for Christmas are great. I will get a video soon.
Looking like a big girl.
This is a car that Cassandra got in her Christmas stocking. How you get it to move is by shaking it up and then putting it on the floor. It is fun to see and hear.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The two girls
Cassandra's cousin and aunt are in town, and we took the girls to a castle for pictures today. The castle at Glen Eyrie, is a great place for pictures. The girls for the most part were cooperative. Enjoy some of the pictures that we got.
Okay, Yai-Yai and Papa had to be in a couple. This is a great view of Garden of the Gods and the mountains, which you can't see.
Addysen did not want to sit on the rock. Cassandra was content. This is a total swich of character for them.
Inside by the fireplace.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Christmas outfit
Thank you so much for the Christmas clothes and teapot Yai-Yai. The teapot is really fun to play with. I like the all the songs and that I have different things to do with it. I feel like such a big girl.
Cornel is asking if Cassandra likes and misses family in Romania. She answers every question with "ya" now.
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