Monday, June 18, 2007

More recent events

Boy, we have some pictures to share with you. We have been on trails and in forests in Colorado Springs. Cornel has gone bike riding with my dad and other things which include: racquet ball, going up the Manitou incline (a long steep set of stairs that go up a side of a mountain) and tennis. Sometimes Cornel comes back exhausted and sometimes it's my dad who does. Either way they have a lot of fun together. It is "guy time" and so I am not invited. Well usually it is early in the morning so I don't mind too much. When dad and Cornel went through Garden of the Gods the other day they say some Big Horn Sheep. That was the first time that Cornel had seen those. Well thats all for now but stay tuned.


Bonnie said...

yeah...I don't get invited either...but, not sure I want to do some of the things they do, anyway!!! Welcome back to blogland, Natalie!

Noelle said...

Yeah!! So glad to see a post on your blog!! I check it every day...just in case! :-) I love to see the pictures...keep the coming! Love you!!

Harvey Globetrotters said...

I check your blog everyday as well! So good to see recent posts. We've been thinking about you guys a LOT lately and would really like to find time to catch up. I'd love to hear how your CNA course is going and how your pregnancy is going and all about your trip to Atlanta. I think we still have your Arizona numbers in our phones-would you mind emailing us your Colorado numbers please?

look forward to catching up!

Annelies said...

Hey! Great to see some pictures of you didn't change a bit in the last year and a bit since we left Romania. Love to read about your lifes now. It's time to mail again and stay in touch! You guys got a special place in my heart! Love, Annelies

Katerz said...

Hey girlie! Looks like you guys are busy but doing well! Have a good one!