Friday, February 26, 2010

A white blanket

Cornel took Cassandra out on the hill this morning. We got a fresh blanket of snow last night, so it was a good time for pictures. Cassandra loves the snow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eating in style

After we came back from our walk, Cornel grilled hamburgers. Yes he is wearing shortsleves in the snow. Do you like Cornel's new glasses?

Walking in the snow

Today we went for a walk in the snow. We bundled Cassandra all up so that she wouldn't get cold. It was snowing so nicely, and we wanted to have fun. Cassandra fell asleep while we were walking. She loves the snow too.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our little cutie pie

Well, today we wore a new outfit, and stood still for a couple pictures. Most of the time, she moves right when we take the picture and it is all blurry.

She loves going for rides in the chair. We will push her around the house, and she will have a good time.
My smart husband was taking pictures with her and the valentine's flowers her got for Cassandra and I. The funny part was after the pictures. I bet you can guess what happened. The vase got knocked down by someone and water got everywhere. At least our only vase did not break. Cornel immediately says, "Mama is going to kill us." I was in the other room.

She loves sitting on her chairs in her room, and also getting mom to sit on them, I haven't broken them yet. They are princess chairs with a table too, but we have not gotten into that yet.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cassandra at church

Cassandra a primit o noua rochita de la Parinti iei.Este atit de placut sa o vezi pe fica noastra imbracat intr-o rochita atit de frumoasa pentru-ca este Printesa noastra.

Fetile stau la taclale in carucior vorbind despre ceva dar nu stim exact despre ce vorbeau pentru-ca vorbeau in limba copilasilor si este cam greu sa ii intelegi asa ca le-am lasat sa isi continuie conversatia in pace.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Garden Of The Gods

Deci astazi am decis sa mergem la o plimbare afara pentru-ca a fost cam frig in ultimele zile si ne-am tot plimbat prin Mall si ne-am cam saturat asa ca ne-am decis sa exploram un pic natura creata de ISUS .

Cassandra iubeste natura si ii place foarte mult sa se plimbe mai ales ca balansu iei acuma este mult mai stabil asa ca o lasam sa se plimbe singura ,nu mai trebuie sa o punem in carucior.

Atit de mult iubesc sa fac poze pentru-ca cind eram copil parinti mei nu prea au avut posibilitatea sa faca poze cu noi pentru-ca atunci nu era tehnologia atit de avansata,ERA DOAR NENEA BURLACU FOTOGRAU RUPIEI,deci te las pe tine sa iti imaginezi cit de ocupat era sau probabil oameni nu face-au poze .BURURATI-VA.