Monday, September 27, 2010

Rupea Christian Kindergarten Project

As we all know the future is in our hands to shape the younger generations. My husband, Corneliu, was born in a small town in the heart of Romania, called Rupea (in the Transilvania region). This small town is so beautiful, but people are so far away from God, but there are 2 ladies who love God and children and they want to do something for them.

This is Damaris Crihalmean. She was born and raised in Rupea. She grew up in a small Pentecostal Church where she works as a Sunday School teacher. She is also involved in different activities with other kids in different villages. She organizes Christian camps for kids, but her heart is to have a Christian kindergarten, where kids can learn more than normal skills, they can learn about Jesus Christ.
Ica and Damaris feel like Jesus called them to start a place where they can share THE GIFT OF LIFE with children who do not have any spiritual examples in their families. Their hearts are to reach the lives of children.
This is Viorica Muresan (Ica), born and raised in Rupea. She grew up in a Pentecostal church as well. Her vision is also to have a Christian kindergarten where she can express her love and passion for new generations of children. Ica is also the worship leader at the Pentecostal church. She is involved with the children's ministry in surrounding areas. She is teaching guitar and piano lessons to children, building relationships with them.
This is a group of children from Rupea, who attended Damaris's and Ica's Christian camp this summer. A lot of them are now coming to church because they heard and they felt loved by Jesus, and also by people who showed them love and care.
This is the Pentecostal church property. This property was bought by the church. It used to be some government building a long time ago. They have place to start a kindergarten, but because the building is so old, they have so many things to replace, and what they need is for people to be part of this vision. They ask for any financial support that people can give, so they can fulfill God's children's project.
The Kindergarten will be on the second floor. They also working on building a kitchen and bathrooms. From what we heard from them, they are almost finished with walls, floors, and ceilings in the rooms, bathrooms, and kitchen. Now what they need is central heating, furniture, toys, and carpet.
They also need play equipment. Now what they have is just the space for it.

So, what they would like you to do, is to ask God if He wants you to be part of his Kindergarten project in Rupea. If you feel like God is asking you to give, please contact Corneliu and Natalie by phone or email, and they will let you know how you can contribute with your gift. They want to thank you for taking your time to read this and God Bless your hearts.
Corneliu's phone number: 719-964-4237.
Natalie's phone number: 719-964-8650.
Corneliu's email:
Natalie's email:

Only for my cousin Addy.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Trip in north of Denver.

We have been looking for a baby carrier backpack since we came back from Romania because the one that we had was destroyed in Denver airport. We found this REI backpack on craigslist, but this guy lived all the way up in Black Hawk, which is northwest of Denver on 1-70.

Of course we profitted of our trip to this guy's house, and we stopped at this beautiful state park in Denver. We tested out the backpack's endurance. We enjoyed the starting of fall, the leaves are changing and are very pretty.

This is our new hiking backpack for the fall. Cassandra loves it. She started jumping and smilling when we put her in it.
Happy family, together forever.

Walking in the forest, collecting leaves and sticks, a bunch of sticks. Cassandra is obsessed with sticks. If she could, she would take all of the sticks off the trail.

Proof of Cassandra's work.

This is the huge lake, and they also have a beach to hang out in the sun, and swim if you want to.
We wished to have a boat. It was a great lake for boating.

Cornel says "Beyond beauty."

We will never move out of Colorado by choice. This place is so beautiful, whereever you go.

On the way back from picking up the backpack, we saw a dirt bike race by the highway 470, so we stopped to watch for a little bit. We have never seen so many people getting together in Colorado, it was quite a crowd. Those bikers knew how to jump really high.

Friday, September 24, 2010

About 25 miles of biking today.

Astazi ne-am trezit din de dimineata si am plecat la plimbare cu bicicletele.Am parcurs cam 20 de km.Am mers pina in centru orasului la un parc si dupa aceea de acolo am luat o alta ruta ca sa ajungem acasa,a fost super fain.Temperatura incepe sa scada asa ca trebuie sa profitam de aceasta vreme frumoasa pentru-ca iarna vine cit de curind.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pueblo Trip,Biking on spectacular trail

We want to thank Mom and Dad for bringing us on this trail last year. On this trail you don's see just God's gorgeous nature, you also see people's creativity. You will know what I am talking about by these pictures.

For about a mile or more, people painted these murals on this big wall that goes along the river. Cassandra had so much fun seeing all of the animals and trees that were on the wall. She was very excited.
Pretty cool, huh.

Cassandra liked the duck. She was really excited about the duck. I think it is fun to walk on the trail with kids, they see all the animals here. You can do two things in the same time, execise, and teach your kids about what is painted on the walls.

You also have God's beautiful creativity in nature.
"Wow," this is what Cassandra said.

After all of the things that we saw and after all of the biking, we stopped at this cool cafe, right by the river.
Mmmmmm, good food, and great drink, right Cassandra. She was drinking my drink.
Hey, this is mine now. Mommy, you can drink my apple juice. I have that everyday, but not this rasberry smoothie, hahaha.