Thursday, September 9, 2010

My cool biking trip.....

Astazi m-am trezit cam de dimineata si am decis sa merg 40 de mile cu bicicleta,nu stiu exact citi km sunt dar am cam pregizat ca sunt cam 25-27km.Tot timpu cind merg cu bicicleta ma minunez de creatia DOMNULUI ISUS pentru-ca atunci cind a creat Colorado a fost atit de creativ.Este o onoare sa locuiesc in Colorado Springs si sa pot sa ma bucur de toata natura care ma inconjoara.


Harvey Globetrotters said...

nice pics...looks beautiful!

Corneliu and Natalie Muresan said...

Very cool and beautiful place to go biking.I had great time,I wish you guys to come with me ,I don't now if you guys will like for 40 mile but you can try.We miss you guys.Noelle and jeff and the girls left this morning.Very set faling.