Cassandra loves water like her daddy does. Every single time when we bike by a river or lake or water fountain, we need to stop and get wet. So this is what we did today. It was a very beautiful warm day in Pueblo.
Cassandra did not want to hold daddy's hand anymore. She wanted to go in the water by herself and swim. I love her adventuresome spirit.
We were throwing leaves and sticks into the water. Cassandra was collecting all of the leaves and sharing with mommy and daddy. We could have stayed there for a while, because she did not want to go anywhere else. But then when daddy mentioned getting into the have seen the pictures.
Please give me some clothes, I am freezing and my diaper and shorts are full and cold. Help!
Uh oh, my pants are falling down, I need to hold them.
1 comment: that trail...EXCEPT for the tarantulas!! Great pics...Cassandra's excitement is evident.
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