Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome to the ZOO.

Astazi am mers din nou la Zoo pentru-ca am avut de vizitat o alta parte a gradine-i zoologice unde nu am fost data trecuta asa ca ne-am pus pe treaba si foarte bine ne-am mai simtit.Fetitele noastre sau distrat de minune.

M-am distrat tare mult de Cassandra pentru-ca am cumparat mincare pentru girafa si Cassandra sa cam speriat putin cind girafa a scos limba iei de 15cm ca sa poata sa ajunga la biscuite.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

You got some great pictures! And I love those videos! That cracked me up how Cassandra kept saying hi to the gorilla over and over! Like she was fully expecting him to say hi back! Ha! :-)

Thanks again for taking Addysen to the zoo this morning...she loved it and it was a huge help for me! You guys are awesome!