We went to Cornel's Grandma's house on the way back to Rupea. It is in a beautiful village. Her house is the last one on top of the hill. We had to park the car at the bottom and walk up. It was good to see her, and she was so happy to see one of her great-grandchildren. She told me over and over to teach her Romanian.
There was a beautiful snowfall that day. It has been snowing here constantly and been really cold. This is winter to me.
Family picture.
This is plachite. They are like potato pancakes that aren't sweet. They are good. I have only had them a cupple times.
When we left, grandma stayed by the door until we were out of site. She doesn't have many visiters and family is very important for her. She probably cried when we left. She is 82 and has had 2 heart atacks, and has not seeked medical attention. We don't know if she will be here or in heaven next time we are back. It was very special to spend time with her to me.
sweet pictures
Your grandma resembles Mother Theresa. :-) Love the one where she and Cassandra are looking at each other!
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