Friday, December 4, 2009

nights in Romania for us

This video speaks for itself. We need to do something, and today we are going to try getting her accustumed to this time, by waking her up in the morning and putting her down for a nap. Hopefully it will work. I hope that everybody is getting a good nights sleep there!


Bonnie said...

Now THAT is making lemonade out of lemons!! Ha-ha-ha, I laughed and laughed. (I know it's not funny for you) I loved seeing her and your commentary was hilarious, Cornel! Okay, I will pray for sleep.

Noelle said...

I probably shouldn't be laughing since you guys are so sleepy, but I can't help it...that was too funny Cornel. :-) I agree with about making lemonade out of lemons! Love you guys!

Annelies said...

Great video...although I understand that for you guys it isn't that great....but I really loved Cornels comments (so great to hear your voice again!!). Good luck the next night, hope she gets accustomed fast to the Romanian time.
(Any stayover planned in Amsterdam on the way back? ;)